
& innovation

Efficiency through

At Morin, we take pride in our partners seeing us as valued suppliers, but just as importantly, as innovative developers. Our research and development unit allows us to be at the cutting edge of technology and trends for continually solutioning your needs as they evolve.

The Morin brand of engineering

Our designers are part creatives, part gatekeepers. Once they’ve discerned your need inside out, they set about the task of conceptualizing and designing a solution. Then comes the drafting of manufacturing specifications and monitoring they are adhered to in accordance with the standards and guidelines that regulate your industry. We call it obsessively managing an idea from
A to Z, and our customers
support it 100%.

Our focus on nonstop development
drives our broad range of services
from start to finish.

Forward-looking thinking
for today’s needs

Your needs are what inspire our solutions. Which is why you will always be able to deliver innovation to your customers, because we’re always ahead of the curve.

Proven effectiveness

All of our fabrics and assembly techniques are subject to a strict and exhaustive design and testing protocol. By the time we ultimately develop the finished prototype you will take to market, it will have undergone all of the rigorous improvements that spell quality innovation.

Curious about
our produicts ?

We view every conversation, every email as an opportunity to become a valued extension of your products. Call or write us to find out more about how we can tailor our passion to yours.